Monday, November 23, 2015

An Expert on your field

She´s my great-grandma Alicia Caceres and she as an artisan. She is 85 years old and she still works. She is a metal-smith. In other words she works with different type of metal and also she works with semi-precious stone. She has two  children, six grandchildren and  five great-grandchildren. She has a big family. 

I choose her because I admire her very much. She is an incredible and strong woman. She has been a teacher, a metal-smith master, mother, grandmother and great- grandmother. 

The passion that she puts in her work is amazing. Any person can feel that, because it´s as if every piece she makes, takes a piece of herself. She is working in your own house, because she and her deceased husband transformed the house in a home-studio. 

She participated at the many art fair. The most important one was organized by the University Catholic of the Chile. In this exhibitions she could show a lot of her pieces of  work and the people could buy them. 

Some of her works: 

Monday, November 16, 2015

My Favorite Movie

I´m not sure if I have a favorite movie, but this is the last movies that I saw.

Leon, The professional  is a history about of a hit man called Léon -interpreted by Jean Reno-. Directive by  Luc Besson and perform for the first time at the 1994. 

Due to destiny, Léon have to take care of Matilda his neighbor -interpreted by Natalie Portman- because whole family of Matilda was murdered at the hands of the Norman Stansfield, boss of the drug squad -interpreted by Gary Oldman-. 

Matilda want revenge and for this reason she ask to Leon teach her for became a killer professional. The most strange of this movies is the relationship between Léon and Matilda. She is falling in love of him, but he is very old for she. That make the film a mixture between an action and drama. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

My Favorite festivity


My favorite festivity is a New Years Day. This festivity is celebrated the 1st of january, but the party begin the 31th of december: New years eve. This is a world festivity and the start of this celebrations go back to the roman calendar. Sidney is the firts place in the world that receive the new years and they have a pyrotechnical show for the welcome. Also in Chile we celebrate with pyrotechnical show and we have the traditions of the hug for wish an another person a happy years.

Exist many celebrations of new years. Chinesi is an example for this. They are celebrate his your own New years day's, between january and february . Even at Latinoamerican villages celebrate your own festivity of new years like Mapuches and Aymaras people.

For all the people the new years is´t about of a new beginning. The ocation of start again. Is for this reason that important celebrations at the world. I wish can celebrate with my family this new years.

Frida Kahlo

Frida kahlo and Chavela Vargas

This is a Frida kahlo´s pictures. She´s a Mexican artist. I don´t know who took this picture because I found it on internet, but in this photo she appear with Chavela Vargas, another Mexican artist.  
Frida Kahlo´s life was like a hurricane of emotions. 
She had a lot of love, but also she was a very sad person.
Her emotions flow in to his work, and she painted about her feeling. She was married with Diego Rivera, another famous painter from Mexico. Frida had many lovers, but Diego was, probably, the most important in her life. Whit him Frida live a lot of emotions like getting pregnant, lose the baby and confront a lot of infidelity from Diego. All this situations  made her a strong and independent woman. She represent his culture in any place, inclusive her clothes are very controversial for the age, because she use the looks like a peasant.

Is for this reason that I like this photograph. I love this woman, his work is amazing and beautiful. She is a incredible example for the womans, for all they: young girls, moms, grandmoms, transexuals girls, etc. She had to fight with the stereotypes and she won.